At Champion, safety is our #1 priority and a real source of pride. Our team of experts works to consistently maintain and exceed safety compliance standards and regulations, so we can complete tasks with a “safety first” mindset in every way, across every engagement.
When it comes to Fall Prevention, it’s important to remember three key things when engaging in a project: PLAN/PROVIDE/TRAIN. Specifically, for every job it’s critical to PLAN ahead to address any potential safety issues and ensure the job can be done safely; PROVIDE the right equipment for all specified tasks; and TRAIN everyone to use that equipment safely. These three fundamental points apply to every workplace scenario, but below are three common examples.
When working on rooftops, always inspect all fall protection equipment before use, wear a properly fitting harness, use guardrails or lifelines, and guard or cover all holes or openings in the roof structure.
Ladders are a common safety risk, so always choose the right ladder for the job, properly secure the ladder, maintain three points of contact, and always face the ladder while using it.
For scaffolding, use fully planked scaffolds, ensure proper access to all scaffolding equipment, plumb and level all equipment, complete all guardrails, and ensure stable footing. Scaffolding should always be inspected by a knowledgeable expert before use.
In these above scenarios or in your day-to-day work, when we Plan, Provide, and Train the right way, we can complete tasks safely, like a Champion!
Our HRCP VDOT crew in Norfolk VA is just starting up again for the season, but every team member got the project off to a great start! With help from Lou Rizzo and Fotis Veliz, the crew was made aware of Champion’s safety culture and expectations, and that every team member had proper documentation and work plans. The crew has been extremely productive while working safely to get the Safespan erected and containment built for this project. They are following our policies pertaining to PPE and fall protection and in the short time they have been on this project, every crew member has been their “brother’s keeper”. By looking out for concerns, and looking out for each other, the crew is communicating to ensure everyone is aware of the work plan and any hazards associated with their tasks – to deliver Championship results.
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