Emergency projects ranging from a glove bag of small valves to large projects including incidental disturbances or renovation and demolition of asbestos containing materials, Champion has the experience to responsibly remedy all of your asbestos concerns.
Champion has expertise in the removal of asbestos contaminated soil and material (ACM) utilizing a state-of-the-art Hepa filtration vacuum truck. Champion will transport and dispose of all ACM at approved disposal facilities, following all applicable local, state, and federal regulations.
With strict EPA Governance, Champion prides itself with staying fully compliant and introducing the latest in technology to maximize efficiencies while improving safety standards. Champion is a licensed lead abatement contractor that can remove all lead based paint from a multitude of surfaces and mediums completely.
Champion supervisors and technicians have the training and expertise to address mold contamination removal and restoration on all interior and exterior surfaces.
Utilizing engineering controls, best work practices, and HEPA vacuum technology, Champion will provide the solution to your mold growth problems and is often able to implement preventive measures to stop future mold contamination from further developing.
Due to its extensive quantity of transportation equipment and its fully licensed and trained staff of operators, Champion is a prime resource for several large engineering and construction firms when transportation and disposal of MGP waste is required.
Using Champion to excavate, transport and dispose of your MGP waste ensures that all regulatory paperwork associated with MGP waste is executed properly, and a clean paper trail is established from point of origin to its final disposal location.
Oftentimes during the MGP Remediation process, unsavory odors can develop in and adjacent to the worksite. Champion has the technical expertise and practical know how to manage and eliminate this problem.